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Cellulite removal and body shaping



Healthy life style is not always enough for shaping your body the way you want. Even with diet and phyical training problematic areas like belly, hips and thighs can stay unchanged because wight loss influences harder on changes of certain body parts. Thus is nothing unusual, that many people are not satisfied with their image.



Fat cells are problematic.


Fat cells are unevenly disposed all over the body and their organisation differs from person to person. Some people have more fat cells around waist and hips and others have more on thigh area. That is the reason why shapes of human body differ so much from one another and why will some of you probably gain weight on the »wrong areas«. Ultrashape can change our curves by reducing the number of fat cells on problematic areas.



Ultrashape is ment for noninvasive body shaping: it reduces localy disposed fat cells and body range without operations and injections.

Procedure with UltraShape, which with focused ultrasound technology safely and effectively destroys fat cells, is ideal alternative for invasive procedures. Namely UltraShape combines all advantages of invasive procedures: is goal oriented, effective and represents long lasting solution; and all advantages of noninvasive procedures: is noninvasive, painless, safe and does not require recovery.



System UltraShape TM Contour I has a built in patented ultrasound technology, which focuses energy on precisely determined depth of fat beneath the skin. It is designed for destroying fat tissue, but surrounding tissue (skin, veins and connective tissue) stays intact. Acoustic ultrasound waves are concentrated in certain spot and create selective mechanic effect. Mechanic (and not thermal) effect is created beause of optimised acoustic parameters and pusle shape of waves. Histological and clinical research has confirmed that surrounding tissue, which is exposed to mechanical effect, remains intact.



Since 2005, when the company UltraShape has received CE certificate, there is more than 500 devices in 57 countries all around the world and was made more than 100.000 treatments.








The cause of formation of cellulite is not quite clear, but its formation is completely dependant on the amount od body fat and organisation of connective tissue under the skin. Female sex hormone ESTROGEN has one of the key roles, because it accelerates the loading of fat in subcutaneous tissue of women in general area – this loading of fat is specificaly emphesized on so called »tipical spots« like hips and thighs. There are many theories about formation of cellulite, but there are even more therapeutic methods about how to remove cellulite. Often cellulite formates and stays despite appropriate nutrition and physical activity. About this annoyance that bothers women and also an increasing number of men it has been written practicaly everything. It is a fact that beside genetic predisposition, the cellulite formation is also the cause of lack of physical activity and malnutrition.



Does the tight scedule prevents you from sufficient care for your body?




AND HER IS VELASHAPE II, which is the first device with clinicaly proven in medicaly confirmed results in REDUCING CELLULITE and BODY SIZE.



VELASHAPE II is revolucionary novelty in battle against celluliteand we offer you the service, which will not require you to change any of your habits. There is required 4-5 treatments and of course renewal teratment on 2 to 3 months.



Therapy with system VELASHAPE II has next effects:


1.      Activation of circulation of bloon in skin and subcutaneous (better circulation)

2.      Encouragement of resorbtion of intercellular fluid

3.      Encouragement of detoxication of tissue

4.      Encouragement of local metabolism

5.      Encouragement of creation fibroblasts, which increases the formation


NARL 517

Lipolysis is activated by catecholamine (adrenaline and noradrenaline).

NARL means NorAdrenaline ReLease.

A unique, safe and patented combination of ultrasound frequency and intensity enables a local release of noradrenaline, through a specific stimulation of the sympathetic nerve terminals.

This local noradrenaline release will trigger a natural lipolysis from nearby adipocytes.

LOCAL fat loss is observed if the released Free Fat Acids and Glycerol are burned (used as energy).
This localized stimulation bypasses our central nervous system, hence there is no fat rebound effect, and long lasting results are guaranteed.
NARL is clinically proven to be effective locally and on all kinds of fat (cellulite, subcutaneous and visceral).

Consumption of free fat acids

Lipolysis is the breakdown of Triglycerides contained in our fat cells (adipocytes) into FFA and Glycerol, source of energy.

Once FFA and Glycerol are released in blood stream, they have to be burned. If not, this energy will be re-synthesized into fat by homeostasis principle.
After 10 minutes NARL treatment, the equivalent of 50 to 60 Kcal must be burned, and this within 70 minutes.
Additional calories should be burned in case of multi-location treatment.

Aerobic exercise, such as 20 minutes walking, treadmill, cycling … is enough.
Substitutes to exercise enhancing body metabolism, such as sauna, hot blanket, infra-red, steam, hot/cold bath, electro-muscle stimulation, low calorie diet, fat burning enhancers … can also be used to burn the released FFA.


  • Analyze basal metabolic rate (BMR) and adapt individual diet accordingly.
  • Localize fatty deposits / steatomeries.
  • Apply pads on the targeted area(s) (abdomen, waist, back, buttocks, thighs, arms,
    double chin, cheeks …).
  • 10 min. sonication at a site.
  • Multi sites sonication is OK, within 70 min.
  • Consume the released FFA with aerobic exercise (20 minutes walking, cycling …), or
    any substitutes effective on metabolism enhancement (Hot Blanket, Sauna/Steam, EMS,
    Hot Bathing …).
  • Treatment must be taken before meal or at least 2-3 Hours after eating.
  • Two or more sessions/week during 4~8 weeks.

Conclusion on NARL solution

NARL is the world’s first scientifically proven lipolysis technique through local noradrenaline release, based on a safe and patented combination of ultrasound frequency and intensity.

The reduction of fat can be localized, hence enabling “a la carte” slimming programs (body & face).
Following natural slimming process, it is safe and effective on all kinds of fat (cellulite, subcutaneous and visceral).

NARL action bypasses central nervous systems, and therefore avoids any fat rebound effect.


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